Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A new member soon to come.

Hello somebodies!

Thought I'd start with introducing my nutty little family as it is now.

Alpha: Gudrun, humanoid. Born in Rotterdam, The Netherlands Dec. 1980.
Beta: Cowboy Bebop, German Shepherd. Born Drammen, Norway Sept. 2006.
Gamma: Rosa, cat. Born 2004 Norway. Jr. cat. Born Ljusdal Sweden 2010.
Alpha - Gudrun
Beta - Cowboy Bebop
Gamma's - Rosa & Jr. 

Rosa and Jr.
They seem to be under the impression that they are the rulers of this world, a.k.a my apartment.
They mostly sleep a lot, play, fight and demand food and attention.
Jr. loves to chase flies, the occasionally bird and the red dot from the laser-pen.

Cowboy loves to play, train, seek, sleep in strange positions.
He is totally obsessed with balls, be it footballs or tennis-balls, if it's round and can be carried in the mouth then it's all good.
He is also very good at catching frisbees. 

All of the above. ^^

The New Arrival. 
Delta - Iulia
Delta: Iulia, dog. Born Januari 2010 in Romania.

Iulia will arrive finally on Sunday the 3rd of April at Arlanda Airport.
I found Iulia on the website of Hundhjälpen.
I found the website through a poster on the door of a toy store here in town. (Ljusdal)  
I had been thinking of getting a second dog for quite a while, and after seeing her on the website I just had to apply for adoption of this little pooch of cuteness.
And low and behold I was approved and things got on it's way pretty fast.
I have now paid for her plane-ticket and the medical necessities, and all I can do now is wait for this Sunday.
 Have been shopping for doggy stuff, which is always a joy, and arranged for someone to drive me to the airport and back.
Sunday just can't come too soon :) 

It is very likely that I will adopt more of these sweeties as soon as my situation will allow it, and I would urge people who want a dog to adopt and give these wonderful dogs a chance at a comfortable life.
There are plenty  of rescue organizations, just be sure that it's not about the money for them, but for the sake of the dogs. 

I will be posting as many pictures and videos as possible of my nutty family members, and of the arrival of Iulia.

Remember to try and have a nice day, and to let others have one too ;)

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you.
This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."

Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
Live long and prosper!

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